Altar of Our Lady of Mercy
The altar of Our Lady of Mercy gives us news of the different vicissitudes that the religious buildings that existed in the parish territory of San Andrés have suffered and that today have disappeared. Three images preside over this altar that come from the old Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, which was located a few meters from here, in the current square of the same name. In the year 1835 said convent was suppressed, passing to our Parish these carvings from its main altarpiece, as well as the altar of Santa María de Cervellón (which is located just in front of where we are, in the area of the baptistery) and the image of Blessed María Ana de Jesús (who is today in the credence of the main chapel). These three images are of great historical and artistic value. The main one is that of Our Lady of Mercy, which due to its characteristics can be attributed to the Mannerist sculptor Pedro de Bolduque.
This Marian carving is flanked by the images of San Pedro Nolasco (founder of the Mercedarian order) and San Ramón Nonato (saint belonging to the same), attributed to the sculptor Luis Salvador Carmona for their elegant style and enormous quality. Behind the carvings we find another testimony of the history of the parish. There is a smaller altarpiece that comes from the also disappeared Hospital of the Brotherhood of San Antonio (a charitable work founded by Bishop Don Juan Arias Dávila in 1494), which was located where today is the headquarters of the Junta de Castilla and Lion.

Superior: San Pedro Nolasco. Bottom: San Ramon Nonato