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History of the Fellowship

According to the definition of the RAE, the term parishioners responds to the group of parishioners or faithful who attend or belong to a specific parish within a diocese, therefore, the Parish of San Andrés is made up of all the faithful who feel linked to the parish of San Andrés de Segovia, either because they were born and raised in the neighborhood, have been baptized in the parish or because they have some connection.

However, aside from the generic definition of parishioners, the faithful of San Andrés have managed to institutionalize the term through different events and a formalization in terms of its organization.  The parishioners of San Andrés, as a "formal" organization, takes its first steps during Holy Week in 1979, at the request of the canon of the Cathedral, Don Fernando Resines. Said clergyman toured the parishes of Segovia at the end of the 70s to try to revive the celebration of Holy Week (which was plunged into one of its worst crises at this time). He had relatively little success in his endeavors, since he only managed that year a group of 39 parishioners from the parish of San Andrés accompanied in procession the magnificent Recumbent Christ by Gregorio Fernández that is worshiped in the SI Cathedral, which had previously been illuminated by Catholic Action.

From the beginning it was decided not to establish itself as a penitential brotherhood, given that the neighborhood of San Andrés was always very active and full of associations, in addition there was the problem that they wanted to have their canonical headquarters in the parish and, however, the Christ is in the SI Cathedral. Today, it has a perfect identity within Segovian Holy Week to such an extent that, for it, the Board of brotherhoods changed its name to the Board of brotherhoods, brotherhoods and parishioners of Holy Week in Segovia.

As for the organization, due to these peculiarities, all those parishioners of the parish who wish can participate in the processional parade. However, there is an "official" list of those regular participants who collaborate financially with the Fellowship.


The Congregation goes out in procession in the official parades of the Board of Brotherhoods (Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday), sending a small representation. But their own days of procession are Wednesday and Good Friday.


On Good Friday of 1979, the Parish of San Andrés joined the General Procession or Procession of the Steps, occupying the section corresponding to the Path of the Sepulchre, together with the rest of the brotherhoods of the city. At the end of the General Procession, the procession is solemnly transferred back to the Cathedral, and in the course of this transfer, during the first years the Way of the Cross was prayed. This practice was transferred in the mid-1980s to Holy Thursday, giving rise to the second of the parish processions.

During those Holy Thursdays, the parishioners accompanied the Recumbent Christ through the streets of the neighborhood. But in the early 1990s, the Cathedral denied the parishioners permission to transfer the image to the parish church (permission that has only been granted on the occasion of the institution's 20, 30 and 40 years of existence, in addition to the year 2003 when the Recumbent Christ was during Holy Week in the Church of San Andrés due to the different renovations that were being carried out in the SI Cathedral on the occasion of the future celebration a few months later of the exhibition "The Ages of Man : The Tree of Life").

From that moment on, this Processional Way of the Cross began to take place, accompanying the image of Santo Cristo de la Paciencia, which is carried on the shoulders through the streets of the neighborhood, in a procession that lasts until dawn. In 2007, the Parish of San Andrés acquired a throne to carry the Holy Christ of Patience on a litter, carrying out since then the traditional Via Crucis through the streets of the neighborhood and, later, the procession with the aforementioned Christ to the Church of San Andrew. The return to the litter carried out by San Andrés was a great turning point for Segovian Holy Week, since since then there have been many brotherhoods that have replaced the wheels with the aforementioned litter, sack or banzos.

In 2011, the Recumbent Christ was selected along with 14 other images from the Spanish geography to stage the XIV station: "Jesus is buried" of the Via Crucis presided over by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion of the World Youth Days, held in Madrid on August 19. A broad representation of the parishioners participated in the act along with other members of Segovian brotherhoods who, after finishing the Via Crucis, accompanied the Recumbent Christ in procession through the main streets of Madrid, with intemperate drums and the crackling of torches, to the building of the Community of Madrid, located in the Plaza del Sol, which was the place of custody of the Recumbent Christ during his brief stay in the capital.

In that same year, 2011, the Parish of San Andrés received a call from the Brotherhood of Slavery of Santo Cristo del Mercado to collaborate in the extraordinary procession carried out in commemoration of the 600th anniversary of the preaching of San Vicente Ferrer.

For this occasion, the Parish of San Andrés ceded its throne to the brotherhood and several members of the group of bearers of the Christ of Patience participated in said procession, thus beginning a relationship of great friendship between the two brotherhoods.


In addition to the aforementioned acts of Holy Week, the Fellowship carries out different activities throughout the year such as Sunday worship and solemnities of obligation, participation in festivals and general processions of the Diocese, maintenance of the temple, as well as the pertinent improvements, organization of different special liturgical acts: solemnities and special festivals, tourist activity, etc.


In recent years, the young group of the Fellowship, promoted by the parish priest and the Board of the Fellowship, have carried out different acts of great social repercussion: recovery of the life-size Nativity scene that was installed in the Plaza de la Merced in the 70s , preparation of the first mass for a young priest from the neighborhood, commemoration of 40 years of accompaniment to the Holy Christ Yacente, participation in the Via Crucis during WYD in Madrid 2011, etc.

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Parish of San Andrés de Segovia 2022. Website designed by Manu Rodrigo

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