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Liturgical vestments of San Martín

The main ornaments preserved in the church of San Martín are the following:
The large rich white robe, embroidered in gold and silk, in the batroque style, with flowers, birds and Eucharistic symbols, 17th century, on which a monograph by Juan Vera has been published.

A complete red suit, from the 16th century, velvet and embroidered in silk and gold, with precious robes in which the Apostles appear and on the shield of the pluvial cape the descent from the cross.

A plateresque-style black suit, 16th century, with silk and fine gold robes and an Immaculate Conception on the chasuble.

An eighteenth-century flowery cape on a tissue background.

A purple chasuble from the 18th century, embroidered satin, with great wealth of silks and silver braid.

A pulpit cloth with the embroidered image of Saint Martin.

A flowery blue damask cloak, given to the temple in the Fourteenth of 1892.

A banner, made of flowered silver tissue, 18th century.

There are other old suits of different colors.

Regarding the liturgical books, it is necessary to highlight an epistolary and a missal, donated by the Bishopric of Segovia in the year


Parish of San Andrés de Segovia 2022. Website designed by Manu Rodrigo

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