Introduction of annual activities
The Congregation actively participates in the Sunday worship of the Parish, as well as in special festivals and solemnities of obligation, in addition to organizing different celebrations and activities throughout the year that join those marked by liturgical times._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Starting the course in September , he participates in the novena of Our Lady of Fuencisla, patron saint of the city of Segovia, which takes place in the second fortnight of September in the SI Cathedral. In October the rehearsals of the Band of bugles and drums "El Cirineo" begin to prepare for Holy Week next year. In the month of November, the Parish Church outlines the news of the Bethlehem that was recovered in 2021 and that is exhibited inside the Parish during Christmas time. Also in November the Congregation celebrates the festivity of San Andrés, head of the Parish Temple with a Eucharist on the 30th. After the Christmas holidays, the Congregation begins to prepare with greater intensity for Holy Week, during Lent the rehearsals of the Band and those of the porters of the Paso del Santo Cristo de la Paciencia begin. During Holy Week, the Faithful organizes two Eucharists, one before the Holy Christ of Patience in the Parish and the other before the Holy Christ Lying in its chapel of the SI Cathedral, in addition to participating in the liturgy of the Easter Triduum. It also organizes the aforementioned Via Crucis with the Santo Cristo de la Paciencia in the San Andrés neighborhood and participates in the General Procession of the Pasos with the Santo Cristo Yacente. After Easter, the Parishioners participate in the Corpus Christi procession of the city, both with the rest of the Segovian brotherhoods, and with the rest of the parishes that carry their respective processional crosses.
Likewise, throughout the year, the Congregation participates at the same time with the rest of the faithful from the upper area of the city in the joint activities and worship services of the Segovia Centro Parish Unit.

AGENDA CURSO 2024-2025
San Martín - después de misa de 11.30h
San Miguel - a las 19.00h
Santísima Trinidad - a las 18.45h
-Sábado, 2 de marzo: Participación de nuestra Banda de Cornetas y Tambores "El Cirineo" en el Certamen XXXV Aniversario Banda de San Millán. Pasacalles desde la Casa de lo Picos hasta San Millán de nuestra banda a las 16.45h. y a las 17.30h Certamen en las inmediaciones del Templo o en el interior si las condiciones meteorológicas son adversas.
-Viernes, 8 de marzo: Primera confesión de los niños de Primera Comunión de este año de la UPA en la Santísima Trinidad a las 17,30h.
-Domingo, 10 de marzo: Primer día del Triduo al Santo Cristo de la Paciencia en nuestra parroquia de San Andrés a las 10.30h. Por la tarde, a las 19.30h, en nuestra parroquia, Concierto de nuestra Banda "El Cirineo" con el fin de seguir recaudando fondos para la renovación de los pasos procesionales y por los aniversarios de la Feligresía. Se llevarán a cabo reestrenos y novedades musicales.
-Los días 13 y 14 de marzo: Charlas Cuaresmales de nuestra UPA en la iglesia de la Santísima Trinidad tras la Eucaristía de 19.15h impartidas por el Ilmo. Sr. D. Ángel García Rivilla, Deán de la S.I. Catedral de Segovia. Estos días se suprimen las misas de San Miguel.
-Viernes, 15 de marzo: Celebración Comunitaria de la Penitencia de nuestra UPA en la iglesia de la Santísima Trinidad a las 19.00h, seguidamente Eucaristía.
-Domingo, 17 de marzo: Segundo día del Triduo al Santo Cristo de la Paciencia en nuestra parroquia de San Andrés a las 10.30h. Por la tarde, a las 17.30h Certamen de Bandas organizado por la Junta de Cofradías en la Plaza de San Martín. Nuestra banda participará en el evento.
-Martes, 19 de marzo: Festividad de San José, Día del Seminario. Rezaremos por las vocaciones en las misas de: San Martín 11.30h, Santísima Trinidad 19.15h y San Miguel 19.30h.
-Viernes de Dolores, 22 de marzo: Tercer día del Triduo al Santo Cristo de la Paciencia en nuestra parroquia de San Andrés a las 20.00h. oficia y predica Mons. Andrés de la Calle García, párroco moderador de nuestra UPA Segovia-Centro.
Agenda parroquial para la Semana Santa 2024 e información de los certámenes de la Banda Parroquial "El Cirineo".
-Domingo de Ramos, 24 de marzo de 2024: A las 10,30h, Bendición de palmas y ramos y posterior Eucaristía en nuestra parroquia de San Andrés. Oficia el Rvdo. Sr. Isaac Benito Melero. Tras la Eucaristía, nos uniremos a los actos generales de la Junta de Cofradías: Procesión con el Paso de Jesús entrando en Jerusalén con la participación de cuantos niños y niñas de la Feligresía lo deseen. Salida desde la S.I. Catedral. (Ver programa Junta de Cofradías).
-Martes Santo, 26 de marzo de 2024: A las 20.00h, Misa Mayor de la Feligresía ante la Imagen del Santo Cristo Yacente en su capilla de la S.I. Catedral. Oficia y predica Rvdo. Sr. Isaac Benito Melero. Tras la Eucaristía, miembros de la Banda de la Feligresía interpretarán la marcha "Camino del Sepulcro" en la que se entonará el poema en honor al Santo Cristo Yacente.
Una vez terminada la celebración, REUNIÓN GENERAL OBLIGATORIA DE PARTICIPANTES EN LAS PROCESIONES DE LA FELIGRESÍA (a las 21.00h, aproximadamente en la parroquia). Es muy importante la asistencia de cara al desarrollo de las procesiones de la feligresía.
-Miércoles Santo, 27 de marzo de 2024: A las 22,00h, desde nuestra parroquia, Santo Vía Crucis y posterior Procesión con el Santo Cristo de la Paciencia portado en andas por 16 penitentes. Presidirán el Piadoso Ejercicio Mons. Andrés de la Calle García, párroco de la Unidad Parroquial Segovia-Centro y el Rvdo. Sr. Isaac Benito Melero, nuestro vicario parroquial. Recorrido: Salida de nuestra parroquia, Plaza de la Merced, Daoiz, Adolfo Sandoval, Velarde, Arco de la Claustra, Plaza de Juan Guas, Plaza de la Reina Victoria Eugenia, Ronda de D. Juan II, Socorro y Plaza del Socorro, donde terminará el ejercicio ante la Imagen de la Virgen.
Seguidamente procesión por las escaleras de Judería Nueva, Almuzara, Doctor Castelo, Marqués del Arco, Desamparados, Vallejo, Pozuelo, Velarde, Adolfo Sandoval, Plaza de la Merced e Iglesia de San Andrés.
-Jueves Santo, 28 de marzo de 2024: A las 10,30h, celebración de Laudes en la Stma. Trinidad. a las 17,30h, celebración en nuestra parroquia de los Santos Oficios, Misa de la Cena del Señor. Oficia el Ilmo. Sr. D. Ángel García Rivilla. A las 22,00h, Hora Santa en la Stma. Trinidad para toda la UPA.
-Viernes Santo, 29 de marzo de 2024: A las 10,30h, celebración de Laudes en la Stma. Trinidad. a las 16,30h, celebración en nuestra parroquia de los Santos Oficios, Celebración de la Pasión del Señor. Oficia el Ilmo. Sr. D. Ángel García Rivilla.
A las 19,00h, concentración de capuchones y acompañantes del Sto. Cristo Yacente en la plaza de la Merced para subir ordenadamente hacia la S.I. Catedral e incorporarnos a la procesión general. Reiteramos nuestro llamamiento a señoras y señoritas para que nos acompañen vistiendo tradicional mantilla española. A las 20.00h, procesión general hasta el Acueducto, lugar donde retornaremos a la S.I. Catedral para, a continuación, volver a San Andrés.
- Sábado Santo, 30 de marzo de 2024: A las 10,30h, celebración de laudes en la Stma. Trinidad. A las 21,00h, Solemne Vigilia Pascual en nuestra parroquia de San Andrés. Oficia el Ilmo. Sr. D. Ángel García Rivilla Al finalizar, compartiremos un ágape en el zaguán del Templo. (Recuerda el cambio de hora esta noche, a las 02.00h serán las 03.00h).
-Domingo de Resurrección, 31 de marzo de 2024: A las 10,30h, Solemne Misa Pascual en nuestra parroquia de San Andrés. Oficia y predica el Rvdo. Sr. Isaac Benito Melero. A las 11.00h, Procesión de Cristo Resucitado desde la S.I. Catedral en la que puede participar todo aquel que lo desee vistiendo hábito de capuchón de la feligresía. Nuestra Banda El Cirineo participa este año en la procesión. (Ver programa Junta de Cofradías).
Banda El Cirineo:
Sábado, 16 de marzo: Anuncio del Pregón a caballo, a partir de las 17:45 h., desde la Iglesia de San Millán hasta la Plaza Mayor, con la participación de todas las cofradías segovianas. Nuestra Banda participa en el evento.
Domingo, 17 de marzo: Certamen Inaugural de la Semana Santa de Segovia. Organizado por la Junta de Cofradías de Segovia. Concentración de Bandas de Cornetas y Tambores en la Plaza Mayor. Desfile de bandas a partir de las 17:30 horas, desde la Plaza Mayor hasta la Plaza de Medina del Campo (San Martín). A las 18:00 h. en la Plaza de Medina del Campo, junto a la estatua de Juan Bravo, Concierto de música cofrade con recaudación a beneficio de Autismo Segovia. Nuestra Banda participa en el evento.
Sábado, 6 de abril: X Memorial Adrián Callejo Rubio. Organizado por la Cofradía de la Esclavitud del Santo Cristo de la Cruz en la Plaza del Cristo del Mercado a las 18:30 h. Nuestra Banda participa en el evento.
-Recogida de Alimentos: Durante el Adviento hasta el domingo 22 se pueden llevar a las parroquias de la UPA donativos o alimentos que repartirá Cáritas UPA entre los más necesitados en el tiempo de Navidad.
-Domingo, 17 de diciembre: III Domingo de Adviento, Gaudete. Alegría por la cercanía de Jesús.
-Jueves, 21 de diciembre: A las 19.00h en la Iglesia de Santa Eulalia certamen de villancicos del Arciprestazgo de Segovia.
-Viernes, 22 de diciembre: A las 19.00h en la Iglesia de San Miguel Celebración Comunitaria de la Penitencia de la UPA y a las 19.30h Eucaristía. A las 20.00h en nuestra parroquia de San Andrés Concierto de Villancicos de la Ronda Segoviana dentro de programa de Navidad del Ayuntamiento de Segovia.
-Domingo, 24 de diciembre: IV Domingo de Adviento. 10.30h Eucaristía en nuestra parroquia.
A las 24.00h de la noche Misa del Gallo en la S.I. Catedral. No habrá Misa del Gallo en Parroquias de la UPA.
-Lunes, 25 de diciembre: Natividad del Señor. 10.30h Eucaristía en nuestra parroquia.
-Martes, 26 de diciembre: Festividad de San Esteban, ante la imposibilidad de celebrar la Eucaristía en el templo parroquial como era costumbre debido a su estado se volverá a celebrar en la Santísima Trinidad a las 19.15h.
-Domingo, 31 de diciembre: Sagrada Familia, 10.30h Eucaristía en nuestra parroquia.
-Lunes, 1 de enero: Santa María Madre de Dios. Jornada por la Paz. 10.30h Eucaristía en nuestra parroquia.
-Sábado, 6 de enero: Epifanía del Señor. 10.30h Eucaristía en nuestra parroquia.
-Domingo, 7 de enero: Bautismo del Señor. 10.30h Eucaristía en nuestra parroquia que pone fin al tiempo de Navidad. Clausura del nacimiento de nuestra parroquia a las 20.00h.
-Jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2023: Traslado procesional de Ntra. Sra. de la Fuencisla desde su Santuario hasta la S.I. Catedral. A las 20.30h recibimiento de la Patrona de Segovia y su Tierra frente al Ayuntamiento de la ciudad por parte de las autoridades eclesiásticas, civiles y militares. A continuación entronización de la Imagen en el retablo del Altar Mayor de la S.I. Catedral.
El viernes, 15 de septiembre la novena de 19.30h de la tarde corresponde a nuestra UNIDAD PARROQUIAL SEGOVIA-CENTRO.
Del 15 al 23 de septiembre se celebra el novenario, a las 19:30, presidido por el D. César Franco y predicado por el Deán de la Catedral, D. Ángel García Rivilla.
La Novena de los Jóvenes tendrá lugar a partir del sábado 16 hasta domingo 24, ambos incluidos, a las 07:00.
Siguiendo con el calendario, el sábado 16, a las 22:00, la Catedral abrirá para la vigilia de la adoración nocturna.
El miércoles 20, tras las Novena de la Juventud, comienza la ofrenda de flores que se prolongará a lo largo de la mañana.
El jueves 21, a las 10:30, Misa de los Mayores.
El viernes 22 son diferentes los actos. A las 10:30, Misa de los niños. A las 18:00, comenzará la Ofrenda de Frutos pronunciada por el rector de la I.E. Universidad, D. Salvador Carmona. Danzas en honor a nuestra Señora a cargo del grupo La Esteva.
El sábado 23, Día de la Caridad, jornada previa a la Fiesta Principal, habrá una vigilia de oración de jóvenes a las 22:00 y, en la eucaristía de la tarde, el obispo de Segovia impartirá la Bendición Apostólica.
El domingo 24, a la 07:00, Rosario de la Aurora desde los Jardinillos de San Roque hasta la Catedral para celebrar la última Novena de los Jóvenes. A las 11:00, el obispo de Segovia presidirá la Misa Solemne y, a las 17:00, comenzará el Santo Rosario. Una vez finalizado se procederá a bajar la imagen de la Fuencisla del Altar Mayor y a su traslado hasta el Santuario, acompañada por las autoridades y la Unidad de Alumnos de la Academia de Artillería.
-Viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2023: Reunión de organización de la Banda Parroquial de Cornetas y Tambores "El Cirineo" para curso 2023-2024. Se convoca a todos los miembros ya sean nuevos de este año, que hayan llevado a cabo el formulario de inscripción, como veteranos a las 20.30h en nuestra Parroquia de San Andrés.
-Sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2023: A las 18.00h en nuestra parroquia de San Andrés Misa-Funeral por el eterno descanso de D. José Miguel Merino de Cáceres.
-Domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2023: A las 10.30h Eucaristía dominical.
-Miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2023: A las 20.30h Visita guiada dentro de la programación de la Fiestas de la Merced organizadas por la AV del Barrio de San Andrés, "Descubre la Plaza de la Merced y la Parroquia de San Andrés" Gratuito asociados, 4€ no asociados. Venta de tickets en la Tienda "Montón de Trigo, Montón de Paja" C/ Juan Bravo, 21, SEGOVIA.
-Sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2023: A las 12.30h Solemne Eucaristía en honor a Ntra. Sra. de la Merced en nuestra Parroquia de San Andrés, oficia y predica el Rvdo. P. Isaac Benito Melero, sacerdote colaborador de la UPA Segovia-Centro y responsable de San Andrés. (Dentro de la programación de las Fiestas de la Merced 2023).
-Domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2023: SE SUPRIME LA EUCARISTÍA DOMINICAL DE 10.30h DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA para facilitar la asistencia de todos los feligreses a la Fiesta Principal de Ntra. Sra. de la Fuencisla a las 11.00h en la S.I. Catedral presidida por el Obispo de Segovia, Excmo. y Rvdmo. Sr. D. César Augusto Franco Martínez.
-Durante el mes de septiembre, hasta el día 1 de octubre, se podrá solicitar en las parroquias de la UPA las inscripciones de niños y jóvenes de la zona para la catequesis que comenzará el domingo 8 de octubre en los Salones Parroquiales de la UPA en la Santísima Trinidad.
-Sundays, May 7 and 14, 2023:Collection of food and donations after the Eucharist for the Segovia Food Bank in order to cooperate with the institution after the robbery suffered last month.
-Sundays, May 14 and 21, 2023:First Communions of the Parish Unit in the Holy Trinity.
-Saturday, May 20, 2023:At 7:00 p.m. in the parish of San Martín of our Pastoral Unit,Celebration of the World Day of Social Communications, Motto: «Speak with the heart “in truth and love”».
Talk by Alfonso González Gaisán, optional director of the church restoration project, who will describe the actions that have recently been carried out on the roof and framework of the church's bell tower. Next, the Secretariat of Social Communication of the Diocese will pay homage and show its gratitude to José María Rubio Marugán for his collaboration and dedication with this diocesan delegation during the last two decades. The day will end with a concert by the Villaodón Choir, from the Madrid town of Villaviciosa de Odón. Directed by Antonio Bautista Díaz, it is made up of almost thirty sopranos, altos, tenors and basses who will perform pieces of sacred music.
-Sunday, May 21, 2023:Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Sunday Mass 10.30 a.m.
-Saturday, May 27, 2023: Rosary of the Aurora and Mass in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fuencisla at 08:00. Pentecost vigil at 10:00 p.m. in the SI Cathedral. Secular Apostolate and Ecumenical Secretariat.
-Sunday, May 28, 2023:Pentecost. Sunday Mass 10.30 a.m. At 8:00 p.m. in the SI Cathedral Confirmation of adults.
-Saturday, June 3, 2023:Diocesan Day of Liturgy "I took bread and gave you thanks" by D. Manuel González López-Corps, priest of Madrid and Doctor of Liturgical Theology at 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. approx. House of Spirituality.
In the morning First Communions in our Parish of San Andrés.
-Sunday, June 4, 2023:Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. in the parish of the Holy Trinity of our Pastoral Unit at 1:00 p.m.
-Monday 5 to Monday 12 June 2023:Octave of the Minerva Brotherhood in honor of SDM The Blessed Sacrament of the Altar in the parish of San Miguel of our Pastoral Unit at 7:00 p.m. Holy Rosary and subsequent Eucharist. On the 12th, a sacramental procession through the streets of the parish.
-Sunday, June 11, 2023:Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus, Day of Charity. Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. in our parish. Eucharist, procession and blessing of the Bishop in the SI Cathedral.
-Sunday, February 19, 2023:Installation, by the Board of Brotherhoods of the city, ofthe Stations for the prayer the exercise of the Via Crucis in the Huerta de los PP. Carmelites. The stations will be installed throughout the Lenten season so that the faithful can come to pray the Holy Via Crucis. It is recommended to request authorization at the convent gate to access the garden, hours: mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
-Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023:Beginning of the Season of Lent with theEucharist with imposition of ashesat 6:00 p.m. in our Parish of San Andrés.
-Friday, February 24, 2023: Every Friday of Lentprayer of the Holy Via Crucisin the Parishes of the Pastoral Unit: San Martín after the Eucharist at 11:30 a.m. Holy Trinity at 6:45 p.m. and San Miguel at 7:00 p.m. In the afternoon, the6:00 p.m. from Plaza del Azoguejo along Av. del Acueducto to the Parish of San Millán prayer of the Holy Via Crucis convened by the Secular Apostolate of the Diocese of Segoviacarrying the Holy Christ of the Good Death that is venerated in the Chapel of the Holy Guardian Angel of the Cemetery. All parish and diocesan movements in the city are invited and expected to attend.
-Saturday, February 25, 2023: Inauguration of the bust of Queen Isabel La Católica in the Church of San Miguelbelonging to our Pastoral Unit. At 11:30 a.m. Chapter Delegation from the Church of San Martín to the Church of San Miguel. At 12.00 Eucharist presided over by the Hon. and Rvdmo. Mr. D. César A. Franco Martínez Bishop of our Diocese of Segovia. At 12:45 pm Inauguration and blessing of the bust in the atrium of the iron gate of the Temple. At 1:45 p.m. Act of the Academy of Hispanicity. In the afternoon, at 5:00 p.m.Band Contest organized by the Parish of the Immaculate Conception of the Municipality of Cantimpalos.At 5:00 p.m. parades and concert inside the Temple. Our band "El Cirineo" will participate in the contest together with the bands of: La Flagellación de Nueva Segovia, La Soledad al Pie de la Cruz de San Millán and Félix Martín de San Lorenzo. The benefits of the contest will be sent through Cáritas Diocesana to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, min: €2/person.
-Wednesday, March 1, 2023:At 6:45 p.m.youEvery Wednesday of Lentvespers prayerin the Parish of the Holy Trinity.
-Friday, March 3, 2023:Every Friday of Lentprayer of the Holy Via Crucisin the Parishes of the Pastoral Unit: San Martín after the Eucharist at 11:30 a.m. Holy Trinity at 6:45 p.m. and San Miguel at 7:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m.Lenten retreatin the Parish of Santo Tomás of Segovia Capital.
-Saturday, March 4, 2023:At 8:30 p.m.Brotherhood Bands Concertin the Parish of San José Obrero for the benefit of ASIDOS. The "El Cirineo" Band of our Parish will participate as a guest.
-Wednesday, March 8, 2023: at 18.45hyoueithertwo Wednesdays of Lentvespers prayerin the Parish of the Holy Trinity.
-Friday, March 10, 2023: Every Friday of Lentprayer of the Holy Via Crucisin the Parishes of the Pastoral Unit: San Martín after the Eucharist at 11:30 a.m. Holy Trinity at 6:45 p.m. and San Miguel at 7:00 p.m.
-Saturday, March 11, 2023: Presentation of the Holy Week of Cáceres in Segoviain the hall of the Torreón de Lozoya Foundation, on the Escaleras del Carmen. The "El Cirineo" Band of our Parish will participate as a guest. At 6:00 p.m. parades of our Band, together with the Misericordia de Cáceres Musical Group, from the church of San Andrés by Marqués del Arco, Plaza Mayor, Calle Real and Av. del Acueducto to the Caja Segovia room. At 7:00 p.m., presentation of the Holy Week of Cáceres in Segovia.
-Wednesday, March 15, 2023: at 18.45hyoueithertwo Wednesdays of Lentvespers prayerin the Parish of the Holy Trinity.
-Friday, March 17, 2023: Every Friday of Lentprayer of the Holy Via Crucisin the Parishes of the Pastoral Unit: San Martín after the Eucharist at 11:30 a.m. Holy Trinity at 6:45 p.m. and San Miguel at 7:00 p.m.
-Saturday, March 18, 2023:At 5:30 p.m.concert of processional marchesorganized by the Band of Sorrowful Solitude of the Cofradía del Recogimiento, in the Parish Church of Santa Eulalia. The "El Cirineo" Band of our Parish will participate as a guest. At 9:00 p.m.Seminary Vigilin the Church of the Conciliar Seminary of Segovia.
-Sunday, March 19, 2023: Solemnity of San José, Day of the Seminary.Celebration of the Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. in our Parish of San Andrés.
At 7:00 p.m.Concert of our Band of Bugles and Drums"El Cirineo" in our Parish of San Andrés in order to raise funds for the renovation of the float that makes up the Paso del Santo Cristo Yacente. In the concert several marches from the Band's own repertoire will be performed and a new march composed by the Musical Director Pablo García García will be premiered. It will also feature pieces of the Castilian Hurdy-gurdy that are traditionally performed as the Holy Christ of Patience passes through the Arco de la Claustra on the night of Holy Wednesday.
-Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 March 2023: At 6:45 p.m.hyoueithertwo Wednesdays of Lentvespers prayerin the Parish of the Holy Trinity. At 7:00 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday in the Parish of the Holy Trinity,Lenten Talksfor the entire Pastoral Unit in charge of the priest D. Francisco Jimeno Mardomingo.
-Friday, March 24, 2023: Every Friday of Lentprayer of the Holy Via Crucisin the Parishes of the Pastoral Unit: San Martín after the Eucharist at 11:30 a.m. At 7:00 p.m.Community Celebration of Penancein the Parish of the Holy Trinity for the entire Pastoral Unit. Then, at 7:30 p.m., the celebration of the Eucharist will continue.
-Saturday, March 25, 2023: Day of the Annunciation of the Lord. Journey for Life.
Announcement ofProclamation of Holy Week Segovia 2023on horseback at 6:15 p.m. from the Church of San Millán to the Plaza Mayor with the participation of all the Segovian brotherhood bands. Then at 7:15 p.m. in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament of the SI Cathedral, reading of the proclamation that this year falls on thepriest and journalist D. Antonio Pelayo Bombín(Valladolid, 1944) reporter for Antena 3 Noticias in the State of the Vatican.
-Sunday, March 26, 2023: Contest of Bugle and Drum Bandsfrom Segovia"Adrián Callejo Rubio Memorial" organized by the Board of Brotherhoods, Brotherhoods and Parishioners of Segovia in the Plaza de San Martín at 5:30 p.m., after a parade of the participating bands. The Band "El Cirineo" belonging to our Parish will participate in the contest.
-Wednesday, March 29, 2023: at 18.45hyoueithertwo Wednesdays of Lentvespers prayerin the Parish of the Holy Trinity.
-Friday of Sorrows, March 31, 2023: Every Friday of Lentprayer of the Holy Via Crucisin the Parishes of the Pastoral Unit: San Martín after the Eucharist at 11:30 a.m. Holy Trinity at 6:45 p.m. and San Miguel at 7:00 p.m.
Beginning of the Holy Week services:
At 8:00 p.m.Solemn Eucharist before the Holy Christ of Patiencein our Parish of San Andrés. After the Eucharist, members of the Band will sing some ballads to the Holy Christ.
-Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023.
At 10:30 a.m. Blessing of palms and branches and subsequent Eucharist in our Parish of San Andrés. Official el Rev. Father Isaac Benito Melero. After the Eucharist we will join the general acts of the Board of Brotherhoods: Procession with the Passage of Jesus entering Jerusalem with the participation of as many boys and girls from the Parishion as they wish, leaving from the SI Cathedral. (See program Junta de CofradÍas).
-Holy Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
At 8:00 p.m. High Mass of the Parishion before the Image of the Holy Reclining Christ in its chapel of the SI Cathedral. He officiates and preaches Rvdo. P. Daniel Cuesta Gómez SJ. After the Eucharist, members of the Band of the Parish will perform the march "Camino del Sepulcro" in which the poem in honor of the Reclining Holy Christ will be sung.
Once the celebration is over, MANDATORY GENERAL MEETING OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROCESSIONS OF THE FELIGRESÍA. (at approximately 9:00 p.m. in the parish). Attendance is very important in view of this year's novelties.
-Holy Wednesday, April 5, 2023.
At 10:00 p.m. from the Parish of San Andrés Holy Via Crucis and subsequent Procession with our Holy Christ of Patience carried on a litter by 16 penitents. They will preside over the Pious Exercise Bishop Andrés de la Calle García,parish priest of the Segovia-Centro Parish Unit, Rev. Father Isaac Benito Melero,collaborating priest with the UPA and theRev. Fr. Daniel Cuesta Gómez SJ, young Jesuit priest born in our neighborhood.
New route: Plaza de la Merced, Marqués del Arco, Desamparados, Vallejo, Pozuelo, Velarde, Juan Guas, Ronda de Don Juan II, Calle and Plaza del Socorro, stairs of Judería Nueva, Almuzara, Doctor Castelo, Marqués del Arco and Plaza of the Merced. (entrance to the church participating in the procession through the garden of C/Daoiz at 9:00 p.m.).
-Holy Thursday, April 6, 2023.
At 10:30 a.m. celebration of Lauds in the Stma. Trinity. at 5:00 p.m. celebration in our Parish of the Holy Offices, Mass of the Lord's Supper, Officiate el Rev. Fr. Daniel Cuesta Gómez SJ.
At 10:00 p.m. Holy Hour in our parish of San Andrés for the entire UPA.
-Good Friday, April 7, 2023.
At 10:30 a.m. celebration of Lauds in the Stma. Trinity. At 11:00 a.m. Sermon of the Seven Words in San Miguel by theHon. and Rvdmo. Mr. D. Ángel Rubio Castro, Bishop Emeritus of Segovia, organized by the Board of Brotherhoods.
At 5:00 p.m. celebration in our Parish of the Holy Offices, Celebration of the Passion of the Lord, officiates el Rev. P. Daniel Cuesta Gómez SJ.
At 7:00 p.m. concentration of hoods and companions of the Sto. Reclining Christ in the Plaza de la Merced to go up in order to the SI Cathedral and join the general procession. We reiterate our appeal to ladies and gentlemen to join us wearing the traditional Spanish mantilla. At 8:30 p.m., a general procession to the Aqueduct, where we will return to the SI Cathedral and then return to San Andrés.
-Holy Saturday, April 8, 2023.
At 10:30 a.m. Lauds celebration at the Stma. Trinity. At 9:00 p.m. Solemn Pascual Vigil in our Parish of San Andrés, officiates el Rev. Fr. Daniel Cuesta Gómez SJ. At the end we will share an agape in the hallway of the Temple.
-Resurrection Sunday, April 9, 2023.
At 10:30 a.m. Solemn Easter Mass in our Parish of San Andrés, officiate and preach the Rev. P. Daniel Cuesta Gómez SJ. At 11:00 a.m. Procession of the Risen Christ from the SI Cathedral in which anyone who wishes can participate wearing the hooded habit of the parishioners. (See program Junta de Cofradías).
-Friday, December 2, 2022: at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish of San Millán Advent retreat for lay people organized by the Archpriesthood of the city.
-Tuesday, December 6, 2022: at 6:30 p.m. in our Parish of San Andrés inauguration of the Birth of the Parishion 2022.
Feast of San Nicolas de Bari in the Church of the Holy Trinity at 7:15 p.m. Previous novena from November 28 at 7:05 p.m. after the Rosary.
-Wednesday, December 7, 2022:at 8:00 p.m. in the SI Catedral Vigila de la Inmaculada.
-Thursday, December 8, 2022:at 10:30 a.m. in our Eucharist Parish on the day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
-Monday, December 12, 2022:at 5:30 p.m. Pastoral Council of the UPA in the Halls of the Holy Trinity.
-From December 12 to 23, 2022:OPERATION KILO UPA SEGOVIA-CENTRO. Non-perishable products can be brought to the parishes.
-Tuesday, December 13, 2022:at 7:30 p.m. in the church of San Miguel Concert by Collegium Musicum Madrid for the commemoration of the 548th anniversary of the proclamation of Isabella the Catholic as Queen of Castile. Free admission until full capacity.
-Friday, December 16, 2022: at 7:00 p.m. penitential celebration of Advent for the entire UPA in the Church of San Miguel and then Eucharist at 7:30 p.m. On the 16th, the 7:15 p.m. mass is transferred from the Holy Trinity to San Miguel and the intentions of that day will be applied there.
-Thursday, December 22, 2022:at 8:00 p.m. Christmas Theater for the children of catechism of the UPA in the Holy Trinity.
-Saturday, December 24, 2022:GOOD NIGHT Misa del Gallo in themost holy Trinidad for the entire UPA yet to be confirmed. In the Cathedral Misa del Gallo at 24.00.
-Sunday, December 25, 2022:at 10:30 a.m. in our Eucharist of the Nativity of the Lord Parish.
-Monday, December 26, 2022: at 12:30 p.m. in the Holy Trinity, Eucharist for the Feast of San Esteban, head of one of the parishes of the UPA Segovia-Centro (Due to the poor condition of the church of San Esteban no it will be possible to celebrate there as it was traditional). At 6:30 p.m. a sample of Christmas carols from the Archpriesthood of Segovia in the Parish of San José Obrero.
-Friday, December 30, 2022:Day of the Holy Family, Eucharist parishes of the UPA: in San Martín 11.30am, Santísima Trinidad 7.15pm and San Miguel 7.30pm.
-The Christmas collection for Caritas will be distributed as follows: 50% Diocesan Caritas, 50% Parochial Caritas. Of this last half, an amount will go to the victims of the Ukrainian War.
-Open the registration period for thepre-marriage coursesof the UPA-SEGOVIA CENTER. They will take place on January 20, 21, 27 and 28. Fridays at 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 5:30 p.m. in the parish halls of the Holy Trinity. Interested couples should inform the priests of the Unit to formalize the registration.
-From Tuesday, December 6 toSunday, January 8, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, it will be possible to visit theBethlehem of the Parishion. Check schedule atwebsite home page.
-During the entire month of November 2022:Work team for the assembly of the Bethlehem for the next Christmas, those interested in participating who have not been informed can contact the parishioner by email:
-Tuesday, November 1, 2022:10:30 a.m.- Eucharist for the Feast of All Saints in our Parish of San Andrés.
-Wednesday, November 2, 2022:6:00 p.m.- Eucharist for the commemoration of the Faithful Departed in our Parish of San Andrés.
-Saturday, November 5, 2022:10:00 a.m.- First day of brotherhood training at the House of Spirituality of the Bishopric of Segovia. (See information at the bottom of this page).
-Sunday, November 6, 2022:5:30 p.m. - Organization meeting of the Bugle and Drum Band of the Parishion in our Parish of San Andrés for Holy Week 2023. Both new and veterans must attend to set rehearsal days and other issues. Open to all interested people, children and adults, with or without prior musical knowledge. (Band of Bugles and Drums of Holy Wednesday)
-Monday, November 7, 2022:5:30 p.m. - Pastoral Council of the UPA SEGOVIA-CENTRO in the Parish Halls of the Holy Trinity.
-Friday, November 11, 2022:11:30 a.m.- Eucharist for the Feast of Saint Martin, headline of one of the Parishes of the UPA. In the church of San Martin.
-Saturday, November 12, 2022:10:00 a.m.- Second day of brotherhood training at the House of Spirituality of the Bishopric of Segovia. (See information at the bottom of this page).
-Friday, November 18, 2022:8:00 p.m.- In our Parish of San Andrés, conference:
An interested look on the assembly of nativity scenes and Christmas.
In charge ofIlmo. Mr. Francisco Jimeno Mardomingo, Vicar of Pastoral and Delegate of Liturgy of our Diocese, on the meaning of Bethlehem for the working group of the Nativity of our Parish and for all those interested in the matter.
-Saturday, November 19, 2022:10:00 a.m. - Third day of brotherhood training at the Headquarters of the Board of Brotherhoods of Segovia, Chapel of the old Convent of San Juan de Dios, Calle Desamparados. (See information at the bottom of this page).
-Saturday, November 19 - Sunday, November 27, 2022:In the Parish of San Miguel Novena of the Miraculous Medal.
-Sunday, November 20, 2022:10:30 a.m.- Sunday Eucharist in our Parish: Feast of Christ the King.
-Saturday, November 26, 2022:10:00 a.m.- Fourth and last day of brotherhood training at the House of Spirituality of the Bishopric of Segovia. (See information at the bottom of this page).
-Sunday, November 27, 2022:10:30 a.m.- In our Sunday Eucharist Parish in which we will begin the Liturgical Season of Advent 2022.
-Wednesday, November 30, 2022 MAIN FESTIVAL:8:00 p.m.- Eucharist for the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle, head of our Parish Temple. After the Eucharist, the renewed Governing Board of the Parishion will be presented to the attending parishioners. Later we will all enjoy an agape in the hall of the Temple.
Every Saturday in November at 10:00 a.m., conferences organized by the Diocese of Segovia will be held at the Bishop's House of Spirituality at Calle Obispo Gandánsegui 7, in which the document will be studied and reflected on."Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy" 2002. These days offered by the Diocese are a great opportunity to understand and be able to live with feeling many of the actions that we carry out as Christians, especially when we act as a penitential entity during Holy Week. The Diocese responding to the objectives and the motto for the 2022-2025 Triennium, "I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW" (Ap. 21 5), intends to offer the laity formation in different subjects in order to:Reveal the Meaning, Re-new the Encounter, Re-create Life and Re-Vitalize Communities.
November 5th:Introduction to the Directory.Hon. and Rvdmo. Mr. D. César A. Franco Martínez, Bishop of Segovia.
12th of November:Liturgy and Popular Piety in the Magisterium of the Church.Rev. P. Ángel García García-Estévez.
November 19th: Liturgy and Popular Piety in the light of history.Mrs. M. Mercedes Sanz de Andrés. CHANGE OF THE PLACE OF THE PRESENTATION.
(Instead of in the Bishopric it will be in the Headquarters of the Board of Brotherhoods, Chapel of the old Convent of San Juan de Dios, C/ Desamparados).
November 26:Theological Principles for its evaluation and renewal of Popular Piety.Ilmo. Mr. Francisco Jimeno Mardomingo, Vicar of Pastoral and Delegate of Liturgy of the Diocese of Segovia.
-Sunday, October 9, 2022: 10:30 a.m.- Beginning of the catechism for children and young people of the entire Segovia Centro Pastoral Unit in the Halls of the Holy Trinity.
-Friday, October 14, 2022:6:00 p.m.- Meeting of UPA collaborators and delivery of the Gospels in the Chapel of the Halls of the Holy Trinity.
-Sunday, October 16, 2022: Sending of Catechists at the Holy Trinity Eucharist at 11:30 a.m.
-Tuesday, October 18, 2022: 6:00 p.m.- Beginning of the Bible group (every Tuesday in the Halls of the Holy Trinity).
-Sunday, October 23, 2022: DOMUND Day.
-In this month of October, the preparations for the Christmas Nativity scene of our Parish will begin, as well as the rehearsals of the Band of Bugles and drums of the Parishion. If you want to participate in any of these actions... Get in touch with us!